Movie Review and Obnoxious Sabres Fans

The wife to be and I saw Children of Men last night. The movies premise of a future where women can no longer get pregnant and the entire world self destructing obviously doesn't make for an uplifting-feel-good movie, however it was a great great movie that kept me entertained from start to finish. I didn't even get up to piss even though I had drank a whole medium Sprite before the movie and my bladder was ready to burst. I would highly recommend this movie, especially for anyone who likes a visually entertaining movie, outstanding cinematography, and lots of loud gunfire and bomb explosions.
There are some interesting blog posts out from the last fews days regarding how obnoxious Sabres fans are. Apparently Sabres fan was out in full force this weekend in Columbus reeking havoc. Here are another couple of accounts from Off Wing Opinion. I was at the Washington game in early December and it was not bad at all. The fans were definitely vocal and loud before, during, but not so much after the game since they got killed, but I didn't witness anything that would be considered bad behavior. That said, I definitely believe that there were some very very drunk Sabres fans being obnoxious, anyone who has ever been to a Bills game knows that there are MANY Buffalo Sports fans that hail from the shallow end of the gene pool. As for the teams play this weekend what can I say. They really have sucked the last few weeks. I still think that this team has way too much talent to keep falling the way they are. The fact that they have been on top the entire year has to be getting to their heads. I have confidence that Lindy will straighten them out soon.