Hope you all had a great 4th of July weekend. I ended up celebrating the independence of our great country by drinking too much Friday (14 Miller lights and a Vodka Tea), and Sunday (16 Labatt's Blue Lights). Saturday I gave it the old college try (4 Vodka Cranberrys aka
Cape Codders), but because I can rarely put together two big party days in a row anymore I passed out at 10pm. I made up for it though Sunday and had a good fry on from 5pm until about 1am when my head finally hit the pillow. If it weren't for my super great girlfriend I may be in bed right now working off a 2 day hangover. That's what great girlfriends are for. Yesterday was alcohol free, thank the baby jesus. Instead of sitting in the sun and drinking all day I sat in my sweltering apartment and watched the Yankees blow a 6 run lead, and then come back to beat the O's. Giambi hit two hr's baby, could he be the second half player of the year? Probably not. So it is back to reality, and it is also back to
spot the fake breasts.
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