van gundy
Hello from our nation's capitol - WASHINGTON D.C., ...I should not be on here BLOGGING - I should be out enjoying the night life of Georgetown (Speaking of Georgetown), yet I sit in front of my laptop with a good ol beer buzz to let you all know that I feel bad for Jeff Van Gundy. First off poor Jeff was forever embarrassed when his 95 Honda Civic was blown up. Now after a huge fine ($100,000 bones could probably pay for 20 Honda Civics!) people are calling for poor Jeff's job because of this whole ref flap - whi ch I don't see as a whole big ol deal. Anyway, poor Jeff has got for him the whole Alonzo Mourning leg riding during a fight, and his Ron Jeremy look a like brother Stan who I'm predicting will be an NBA champion in a few weeks. But, as they say, I digress, and I am going to bed. Goodnight.

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