The Tragically Hip

I was checking out and was looking at all the concerts the past ten years I've been to, here is the list, the dates, and some comments...
4-29-1995 Bflo Memorial Auditorium (10 friggin years ago when I first saw them!)
7-20-1995 Cayuga Speedway (out at the speedway....)
5-13-1996 Syracuse Landmark Theatre (good times)
7-13-1996 Edenfest (wow, a lot of great memories from this show)
8-17-1996 Cleveland Odeon (Maybe the best Hip show I have ever seen)
11-26-1996 Bflo Marine Midland Arena (Don't remember much about this show)
7-30-1997 Darien Lake (the infamous Mark Wright concert)
8-8-1998 Grape Jam (another great show, lots of memories, notably Loftus going bonkers after losing a watch, and the band walking off the stage because Kev Wright crashed through the fence)
2-10-1999 Bflo Marine Midland Arena (Don't remember anything about this one)
5-5-1999 Washington DC 9:30 Club (Lots of great memories from this show...almost killed myself at Lofty's apt afterwards when I smashed my head falling backwards, got the scar to always remember)
7-29-2000 Darien Lake (These Darien Lake shows are always great because you end up getting SMASHED at them)
10-2-2000 Rochester Auditorium Theatre (during this tour they were doing the "An Evening with the Hip" thing where they played two full sets....This was an awesome show at an awesome venue)
12-20-2000 Bflo HSBC Arena (They played "Last of the Unplucked Gems" at this one)
8-30-2002 Cleveland Odeon (I was sick for this show which really sucked, couldn't drink, the show was great though...)
9-1-2002 Darien Lake (remember this one well, it was a couple days after the Cleveland Show and I made up for not getting my drink on at that one)
9-6-2003 Molson Park (I was not drinking at this one I don't think because I had to drive back to Bflo, these shows are always much more fun when you're hammered)
7-23-2004 Darien Lake (concert where the above photo was taken)
17 shows, lots of killed brain cells and lots of great stories.
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