crown royal is bad for you

I have never been able to turn down an offer to do a shot (aka "short guy" or "shooter"). I'm not sure if it is the fear of the shot buyer questioning my masculinity, or the fact that I have a slight alcohol problem. Probably a little bit of both. Anyway taking 5 shots of Crown Royal in one sitting is a baaaad idea - even when someone else is buying. Let's just say that our apartment smells like Crown and beer farts right now (I had about 16 beers last night to go with my 5 shooters of CR).
Anywho, to help cure me of my pounding headache I thought I would take a stroll back to the sofa king hot version of Lohan.

I also stumbled upon this site dedicated to Smoking Hot Waitresses. Enjoy. (via idleriot)
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