Tuesday, April 05, 2005

My Sirius Satellite Radio Review and LOTS of Dog Shit

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Got a last SIRIUS Satellite Radio last week and I have to say I may never listen to regular radio again (well, accept for Howard, and when he moves over then I will REALLY never listen to regular radio again). Couple of quick points:
- There is ALWAYS a good song on
- There are two ESPN RADIO stations and several other decent sports talk stations
- NFL Radio (I listened to Dan Reeves break down the NCAA Final today)
- Did I mention that there is ALWAYS a good song on?
All of that and Howard hasn't even moved over. If I were you guys I'd get it now. It is pretty cheap and worth it.

Michael Vick spreading VD's... Via FARK.

God Bless, Derek Jeter.

Lots of doggie doodie
AND FINALLY the snow has almost completely melted in the B-Lo and this is what our backyard looks like. You might say no big deal - just lotso mud, accept that most of that brown out there is dog shit. At least Sandy don't mind...Woohoo!