Play Ball!

The first two days of the baseball season got off to a nice little start. The Yanks behind the BIG UNIT take out the Red Sox last night, and the BFLO BIG BALLS have an impressive opening day. I'm thinking I will enjoy watching Adam Dunn hit bombs all year (he hit two today).

I just caught back to back episodes of MTV's Inferno 2 and whoa, lets talk about ridiculousness. I first caught the end of episode 2 and poor Jon Brennan (who has found the Lord) sacrifices himself like Jesus for the team and loses BAD to BIG GAY DAN RENZI in the Inferno...I must admit I was intrigued, to top it all off Julie, the gay Mormon was left balling her eyes out over the loss of Jon.
Well, all of that was nothing. I stuck around for episode 3 and holy mackerel, crazy bitch Tonya throws Beth's clothes into the pool after Tonya finds out Beth told Robin she was fooling around with Mark, who I don't think is in this season. Anywho, it was quite the scene. I was in awe.
Big Pussy beats down his woman in NY. VIA cityrag
Remember when Die Hard was like the best action movie of all time? Well, I really hope that THIS IS NOT TRUE.

How great does that beer look? ***From Ms. Alba's upcommmming movie Into the Blue***
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