Run, Ron, Run
Thanks to Jamma 5000 for finding this one. Ron Moss For Buffalo Mayor. Who ever dreamt this up is brilliant, here are some of Mr. Moss' great ideas to fix our city:
"I also have a plan to extend the mass transit system to the First Ward. I will turn the old Aud into a giant coin bank. We can put a slot in the top and deposit coins from Skyway tolls. Then when it is full we can open it."
"I also have a simple fix for our dead Main Street. I will simply switch the names of Main Street and the Scajaquada Expressway. Main Street will once again be the busy street we were once proud of."
Now those are some creative ways to fix some of the big problems that face Buffalo. He's got my vote.
Someone out in cyber land did a google search for mike sengbusch, which lead them here. Weird.
The big move starts tomorrow, which means I will be internetless for a few days and not be around to entertain all of you, or share hot photos of Jessica Simpson. In the mean time go Tom Sartori, even though you are sort of a tool (at least that's what the Buffalo Beast tells me) and even though I am extremely jealous of you and the $250,000 minimum you'll be winning I am rooting for you to win it all.

pic via goldenfiddle
"I also have a plan to extend the mass transit system to the First Ward. I will turn the old Aud into a giant coin bank. We can put a slot in the top and deposit coins from Skyway tolls. Then when it is full we can open it."
"I also have a simple fix for our dead Main Street. I will simply switch the names of Main Street and the Scajaquada Expressway. Main Street will once again be the busy street we were once proud of."
Now those are some creative ways to fix some of the big problems that face Buffalo. He's got my vote.
Someone out in cyber land did a google search for mike sengbusch, which lead them here. Weird.
The big move starts tomorrow, which means I will be internetless for a few days and not be around to entertain all of you, or share hot photos of Jessica Simpson. In the mean time go Tom Sartori, even though you are sort of a tool (at least that's what the Buffalo Beast tells me) and even though I am extremely jealous of you and the $250,000 minimum you'll be winning I am rooting for you to win it all.

pic via goldenfiddle
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