
4 songs from the iTunes Music Store"
- "Blue Orchid" White Stripes. Literally just got this 4 minutes ago, but after one listen and I can say it is VERY good. By the way the Stripes are awesome if you don't have any of their albums, you are a fool a damn fool!
- "Beverly Hills" Weezer. Geoff told me to buy this one, and while Geoff is usually right and Weezer is usually very good, this song didn't do it for me. It is TOO catchy.
- "The Way We Get By" Spoon. I bought this one because it was the top downloaded song off the Music From The O.C.: Mix 1. Because I am totally queer.
- "An Honest Mistake" The Bravery. Excellent song, these guys are the next Killers.
I just the other day bought a HOUSE. I probably will be doing more of this...cuz it's FREE and I will not be going out spending ANY money for AWHILE. House below, it looks much better in person and without the snow.

O.K., this is the first I have seen this, it goes a long ways back obviously, but I spent a ton of time going through this whole thing and watching these Apple commercials. Apparently this was all big blog news at some point because people claimed this little girl was stoned. The internet CEASES to amaze ME! Via The Adventures of Accordion Guy in the 21st Century :: Joey deVilla's Weblog Via: goldenfiddle
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