A Faster Willis, and Chills down my Spine

Does this make anyone else a little bit erect....."Bills RB Willis McGahee should be faster next season because he will be able to train for speed for the first time since blowing out his knee at the end of his college career, in January 2003. As McGahee gained confidence in his knee last season, he ran with power and gained yards after contact. His speed, however, was average." - Dan Pompei of Yahoo Sports Pompei: Inside Dish
A good friend of mine who posts on this blog gets "chills down his spine" during this time of year, and he once told a classroom full of Canisius College students all about it. March Madness baby! Anyway, Congrats to Niagara on making the tournament. Just caught the last ten minutes, and it looks like they had no problems with Rider. UB game was fun, I'm hoping they can make a run this weekend. It would be nice to get WNY on the College B-Ball map.
Finally, I wrote about this site yesterday, but check out The Superficial - Jessica Alba Story. Apparently Jessica Alba wants sex with lots of anonymous partners and prefers one night stands...Better yet check out the photo accompanying the article. Major boner material. Hoo-FAH.
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