Friday, February 18, 2005

Dollar beers and shots of Patron

I'm hurting today.

Also, I was thinking....
Is there anything worse than shaking someone's hand and getting the
limp handshake in return?
Nothing makes me lose respect for a guy more quickly than that.

I love lapdances.

Remember that time when we played Beyond Balderdash and someone wrote
"Angel of Spartan lore" as a definition?
I think it was Mark Wright?

There's this woman who sits two cubes away from me, and she is such an annoying person.
She is married, and her husband works some job where gets off from work every Friday,
and every Friday, around 8am, she calls him, just so he can't sleep in.
I'm dead serious. She'll often say "I don't get to sleep in on Friday, so why should he?".
What a CUNT.

When I workout at the gym, I listen to my iPod.
When I'm on the treadmill, I walk, on incline, for most of the time,
and then I try to run for at least a few minutes at the end.
I always try to pick a specific song to pump me up just before I start to run,
and my recent favorite has been "Failing the Rohrshach Test" by MGB.

Okay, bye.